Friday, May 1, 2009

Goa govts swine flu questionnaire for tourists

With the alarm of  swine flu giving sleepless nights to the world at large, the Goa government through its health department has Swine flu prepared a detailed questionnaire to be filled out by all tourists arriving in the state of Goa.

The questionnaire is aimed to provide the health authorities ascertain whether any of the passengers arriving in Goa have symptoms of swine flu. Passengers will be quizzed whether they have been to any of the swine flu affected countries and if they have any of the symptoms - fever, funning nose, cough or sore throat. The medical team at the airport is expected to handle the tourists who think that they have any of the symptoms mentioned in the questionnaire.

in a bid to make the procedure fool-proof, the government has decided to give the questionnaire to both domestic as well as international tourists to avoid any . Medical teams stationed at the airport arrival lounge are therefore checking both domestic as well as international tourists arriving in Goa.

Once the questionnaire is filled, the tourists have to hand it at the immigration clearance counter where it is to be verified.

The entire country has increased surveillance at all international airports and ports as a part of global measures to arrest the spread of swine flu. All passengers arriving on flights from flu affected countries such as US, Canada, UK and Mexico are therefore being checked for the virus which is believed to have killed over 170 people in Mexico where it is supposed to have originated.

Globally the cases of swine flu have been on a steady rise. Swine flu is usually found in pigs and contracted only by people in contact with the animals. However it can also spread from person to person - probably through the medium of cough or sneezing.

The Goa government has also issued a circular to the travel and tourism association of Goa asking it to be extremely vigilant to observe if any of their guests have any swine flu-like symptoms and report the matter to the nearest health authority

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